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  • Veteran Initiatives

    Empowering and Equipping Veterans and their families with licensed counselors and resources to develop skills needed to achieve their vision of self-sufficiency.

    • Initiative to provide competency-based training in coaching
    • Promote access to providers of evidence-based treatment to veteran communities
    • Provide direct services to Texas veterans and their families for claims representation, employment services, education programs, and counseling in all matters about veterans’ disability benefits and rights.
    • Inspire pathways for Veterans and their families to pursue fields of study that VA considers being science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields of study under 38 CFR 3320(b)(4)(A)(i).

    Note: STEM field of study is a field of study included in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy within the two-digit series containing biological or biomedical science, physical science, science technologies or technicians, computer and information science and support services, mathematics or statistics, engineering, engineering technologies, health professions or medical residency, agriculture or natural resources science programs, or a related field. Related fields will include research, innovation, or new technologies using engineering, mathematics, health, computer science, or natural sciences.